The majority of time in our labs is spent actually performing procedures with individual coaching.
Passive listening is not what we’re about.
All courses are approved for Category 1 CME Credits
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the Hanley Center for Health Leadership and Development and Critical Care Training Associates. The Hanley Center for Health Leadership and Development is accredited by the Maine Medical Association Committee on Continuing Medical Education and Accreditation to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
The Hanley Center for Health Leadership and Development designates most of these live activities for a maximum of 4.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. Some can be extended to up to 7 hours. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Locally known as “The Goth Sheep Lab”
Class Duration: 4 Hours
Can increase up to 7 CME-approved hours with additional procedures.Surgical Airway Lab
The Surgical Airway Lab provides a realistic and practical approach to a procedure that is generally reserved for the most desperate of difficult airways. Each student gets her own pig trachea and skin, and the procedures are taught with clear and fundamental anatomical principles, so the surgical airway becomes “demystified” into a straightforward procedure that is relatively easy to perform. Our technique has had proven success over the years in actual application.
Course Outline (1 hour):
Overview and anatomy
Individual hands-on practice with coachingThe cadaver lab immediately follows the surgical airway lab
Working with fresh sheep cadavers, this is the ultimate hands-on practical experience for learning and practicing trauma and airway procedures. Students have ample opportunity to practice intubating a difficult, traumatic airway, and fresh cadavers provide an excellent model to master the intubation technique. We create real-world hang-ups and difficult situations, so after the course you will be prepared for even the most difficult airways.
We then teach and practice procedures for trauma management including the surgical airway and chest procedures such as needle, simple, and tube thoracostomy.
We end with the “Trauma Team Challenge,” which is a team approach to executing multiple trauma procedures in a time-sensitive event that puts it all together.
It's important to note that we treat the animals humanely. All of our animals are raised for meat, and we do not inject any medications or contaminate the meat, so after the class they are butchered and enter the food chain. We simply add a “training” step between slaughtering and butchering, and they are always put down in a completely humane way. This fresh cadaver model is most humane way to train using animals.
Course Outline (3 hours):
Intubation on fresh cadavers
Needle cric, jet ventilation
Chest procedures
Trauma Skills ChallengeOptional additional procedures:(CME credit applies)
-Resuscitative Thoracotomy
-Lateral Canthotomy
-Hemostatic Wound Stapling
-Intraosseous access
-Others by request**Are you interested in participating in just the Surgical Airway Lab? Contact Us.
Locally known as “The Goth Manikin Lab”
Class Duration: 4 hoursThe Difficult Airway Lab provides a solid foundation for solving the vast majority of real-life difficult airway problems.
Most difficult airway problems can be successfully solved by careful attention to fundamental concepts, principles, and techniques. The purpose of this lab is to teach, tune up, practice, and perfect these critically important foundational skills under close supervision.
Using a variety of specially modified manikins, the curriculum emphasizes intubation under difficult conditions. When intubation is unsuccessful, a variety of problem-solving concepts, techniques, and devices are used.
We teach how to approach every intubation as a difficult airway, so that you become successful managing the entire bellcurve of airways, and aren’t thrown off when one requires troubleshooting.
The RSI tutorial included in the DAL is a hands-on introduction to understanding the “touch and feel” of RSI in an emergency setting. After a review of the essential concepts and principles of the RSI sequence, participants work in small groups to practice a team approach to RSI.
DAL Outline (3 hours):
Difficult Airway – perspective and practical applications
Difficult Airway Anatomy
Very Difficult Airway
Intubation technique
Direct Laryngoscopy
Video Laryngoscopy
Position (HELP)
C-Spine stabilization
On the floor intubation
Confirmation, Tube location, and Securing the tube
Supraglottic Airway
RSI tutorial
Common problems and solutionsRSI Lab
The RSI lab is a continuation of the DAL with a more advanced overview of RSI.
The RSI lab is a comprehensive hands-on approach to understanding RSI in an emergency setting. After a review of the essential concepts and principles of the RSI sequence, participants work in small groups to practice a team approach to RSI. Following a period of supervised practice, each group is tested in a patient simulation.
RSI Lab outline (2 hours):
RSI overview and sequence
Introduction to RSI pharmacology
Team approach to RSI
Common problems and solutions
RSI simulations -
Class Duration: 1.5 hours
The purpose of the IVM module is to demystify, simplify, and teach in a retainable way how to manage a patient with on a ventilator in the emergency setting.
After an overview of the essential concepts, principles, and pharmacology of IVM, participants work with a series of interactive case studies to apply these concepts, and to make good decisions in the management of patients in a practical clinical setting.
Course Outline:
-45 minute lecture on IVM including concepts and principles, common problems and solutions, and case studies
-IVM decisions: Interactive Case Studies -
Class Duration: 3 hours
The Wound Repair Lab is a hands-on tutorial on the emergency management of traumatic wounds. Fundamental concepts and principles for the initial phase of wound management are first reviewed. Both fundamental and advanced techniques of wound closure are demonstrated by experienced CCTI instructors. Following this demo, participants then practice these techniques under close supervision, using a variety of fresh porcine tissue and skin preparations
Course Outline:
Wound healing
Wound preparation
Wound closure
Fundamental suture technique
Advanced suture technique
Common problems and solutions -
Class Duration: 1.5 hours
The Procedural Sedation tutorial is a comprehensive approach to the practical realities of procedural sedation in an emergency setting. After a review of the essential concepts, principles, and pharmacology of Procedural Sedation, participants work with a series of interactive case studies to apply these concepts, and to make good decisions in the management of real patients in practical clinical setting.
Course Outline:
Concepts and principles of PS
Definitions of sedation categories
PS pharmacology
PS monitoring and documentation Common problems and solutions -
In development and coming soon